Pooled cohort equation 으로 10년 간의 심뇌혈관질환의 발병 위험도를 예측하는 공식을 R function 으로 구현하였습니다.
## Pooled cohort equation: implementing pooled cohort equation
## AR10 (ten-year absolute risk) = 1 - S^exp(XB - meanXB)
## S = survival rate at 10 yrs
## women and men, white
## gender M:1, F:2
## bpl = BP lowering treatment, untreated or treated: 0 or 1
## Reference:
## 2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk
## A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
## Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines
## Circulation. 2014;129[suppl 2]:S49-S73
pce <- function(gender, age, tc, hdl.c, sbp, bpl, cur.smoker, dm) {
b.surv <- c(0.9144, 0.9665) ## baseline survival in US cohort, for white men & women
names(b.surv) <- c("male", "female")
coef.matrix <- array(
dim = c(2, 11, 2),
dimnames = list(
c("bp.untreated", "bp.treated"),
c("male", "female")
coef.matrix["bp.untreated", , "male"] <-
c(12.344, 0, 11.853, -2.664, -7.990, 1.769, 1.764, 0, 7.837, -1.795, 0.658)
coef.matrix["bp.treated", , "male"] <-
c(12.344, 0, 11.853, -2.664, -7.990, 1.769, 1.797, 0, 7.837, -1.795, 0.658)
coef.matrix["bp.untreated", , "female"] <-
c(-29.799, 4.884, 13.54, -3.114, -13.578, 3.149, 1.957, 0, 7.574, -1.665, 0.661)
coef.matrix["bp.treated", , "female"] <-
c(-29.799, 4.884, 13.54, -3.114, -13.578, 3.149, 2.019, 0, 7.574, -1.665, 0.661)
d.xb <- function(.df, c) {
.df$cvs <- rowSums(data.frame(t(apply(.df, 1, function(x) {x * c}))))
return(.df$cvs - mean(.df$cvs, na.rm = TRUE))
ar10 <- function(s, x) {
return(1 - s**exp(x))
df <- data.frame(log(age), log(age)**2,
log(tc), log(age) * log(tc),
log(hdl.c), log(age) * log(hdl.c),
log(sbp), log(age)*log(sbp),
log(age) * cur.smoker,
gender, bpl)
for (i in 1:2) {
for (j in 1:2) {
df[gender == i & bpl == j - 1, "risk.ascvd.10"] <-
ar10(b.surv[i], d.xb(df[gender == i & bpl == j - 1, 1:11], coef.matrix[j, , i]))